General Information
Message from the Principal
Dear Kindergarten Parents,
Welcome to our exciting kindergarten experience of learning at Webb Kindergarten Preparatory School. You will be amazed at the amount of learning that will take place.
We are excited about our strong kindergarten team. We have a great combination of talented teachers with qualities that complement and bring out the best in each other. We enjoy working together, sharing ideas, and helping students become readers and learners for life.
Success, one child at a time – the effort to meet each child’s needs for growth socially, emotionally and academically – is ongoing and intentional. We use formative and summative assessments to gather data on the academic growth of our students and use that data to develop appropriate classroom and individualized instruction. Regular review and revision of the curriculum help us to ensure that we are delivering the best possible learning experience for our students. Our teachers “know” their students, identifying strengths, challenges and passions while striving for a positive school experience and love of learning.
We invite you to become an active participant in our school community through volunteering, joining our P T A, or attending and supporting our school events. Educational research shows that one of the most important characteristics of an effective school is building a strong home-school relationship. Webb Kindergarten Preparatory School welcomes your involvement and seeks to create strong home-school relationships.
Together, we will improve the quality of our school community and provide the best for the children of Webb Kindergarten Preparatory School. All children are more successful when we work as a team to achieve educational goals.
We look forward to working together as a team and having a successful year in Kindergarten.
Debra Reeves